Everyone desires a healthy child. However, the genetic causes may shatter their dreams. Genetic causes are responsible for about 10 percent of recurrent pregnancy losses and infertility issues. Embryos with an incorrect number of chromosomes may fail to get implanted or miscarried during the first trimester. According to studies, around 50 to 70 percent of cleavage stage embryos produced in labs can be chromosomally abnormal. The most common conditions caused by chromosome abnormalities are:

  • Down syndrome
  • Edwards syndrome
  • Patau syndrome

Your fertility doctor may use PGD or PGS techniques to select normal embryos, thus, resulting in increased implantation rates, reduced spontaneous abortion rates, reduced aneuploid conceptions, and improved delivery rates in assisted reproductive procedures. These techniques can be combined with ICSI treatment to tailor infertility treatments to the unique needs of individual couples when there are concerns about genetic and implantation issues.

What is PGS?

It is a genetic test for identifying abnormalities in chromosomal numbers (aneuploidy). Your doctor may prescribe PGS before transferring embryos into the uterus. The doctors selectively transfer the embryos free of chromosomal aneuploidy into the uterus, thus increasing the chances of successful IVF

How does a PGS work?

PGS analyzes all 46 chromosome types and culls out chromosomally normal embryos. PGS results in lesser pregnancies ending in miscarriages because of chromosomal disorders since your doctor identifies abnormalities before embryo transfer.

What are the indications of PGS?

  • Age of woman greater than 35 years
  • Spontaneous abortion or recurrent pregnancy
  • Multiple implantations or IVF failures
  • Chromosomal sperm abnormality in males
  • Couples with a history of pregnancy with a chromosomal abnormality
  • Single embryo transfer

What is PGD?

PGD analyzes embryos during an IVF cycle to detect any genetic alterations. PGD focuses on single-gene disorders. A PGD can prevent the transfer of single-gene conditions from one generation to another. Your doctor may prescribe PGD on the embryo before transferring it into the uterus.
After PGD, a doctor can select embryos free from chromosomal disorder.

What are the indications of PGD?

Your doctor may prescribe PGD in case of family history of:

  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Fragile X syndrome
  • Spinal muscular dystrophies (SMA)
  • Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD)
  • Huntington disease.
  • Alpha Thalassemia
  • Glycine encephalopathy
  • Familial Mediterranean fever
  • Hemochromatosis
  • Polycystic kidney

What is the ERA test?

ERA Test is also called Endometrial Receptivity Analysis test. It determines whether the endometrium of the pregnant woman is receiving the embryos at an accurate time or not. ERA can maximize the chances of a successful pregnancy